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For years, the fear always was “maybe the job-seeker is lying.” Is the new fear “maybe the hiring manager is lying?”

on March 10, 2014

The Context Of Things

Don’t have a ton of science on this topic — but do have a ton of gut and experience. My job search is seemingly never-ending and has encountered more brick walls than a bad cartoon, but I persist. I saw this article on Quartz today and it resonated with me: essentially, the long-held fear in job searches has traditionally been “Well, this resume might not accurately reflect skills.” It’s a fairly common issue — people do lie on their resume, regardless of how many times they’re told it’s a bad idea — and that can lead to bad fits, and bad fits can lead to lesser performance, and lesser performance can lead to an exit, and an exit means there needs to be a new recruiting process and a new training process, and suddenly the middle managers are just seeing money fly out the door. Honestly, a company’s talent strategy 

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